Jun 25, 2015
Fact: It is possible to know for sure that you are doing exactly what God wants. Learn how God’s will for your life reaches from the decisions you make each day to the ultimate fulfillment of your unique destiny. Discover what you were made for, and then pursue with zeal and joy the amazing life God has for you!
Jun 25, 2015
Fact: It is possible to know for sure that you are doing exactly what God wants. Learn how God’s will for your life reaches from the decisions you make each day to the ultimate fulfillment of your unique destiny. Discover what you were made for, and then pursue with zeal and joy the amazing life God has for you!...
Jun 25, 2015
God is waiting to meet your needs in tangible, undeniable ways! He longs to give you favor, peace, and answers to prayer. How can you experience those wonderful gifts God has in store for you? Discover how lifting your voice, soul, hands, and eyes opens the door for every good thing God wants to send your way.
Jun 25, 2015
Join Bayless Conley as he studies the story of Ruth and uncovers five qualities that will attract the blessing of God in our lives today. Qualities that will put spiritual laws into motion and actually bring the strength of God and the blessing of God and the favor of God into our lives!
Jun 25, 2015
When God asks you to do something, it’s always for your own good. Disobeying can open the door for troubles and heartache. God wants to take you higher, and you would be amazed at what would happen if you made the choice just to listen and obey. Bayless Conley shows you how and why to make that choice.