Nov 25, 2015
Do you want to be financially successful and prosperous? Listen and watch Bayless Conley’s message, The Impact of a Generous Heart, and learn to be stable regardless of the economy, the government, or your industry. You’ll discover God’s open doors of favor for you, increase your influence, and become a source of...
Nov 20, 2015
Discover seven lessons every parent should transmit to their children, either by verbal instruction or, more importantly, by modeling it through lifestyle. Make a difference in the lives of the next generation by finding and fulfilling your purpose, modeling humility, and warning them of likely dangers. Teach...
Nov 13, 2015
Discover seven lessons every parent should transmit to their children, either by verbal instruction or, more importantly, by modeling it through lifestyle. Make a difference in the lives of the next generation by finding and fulfilling your purpose, modeling humility, and warning them of likely dangers. Teach...
Nov 6, 2015
In Colossians, chapter 3, Paul compares the transforming work that Jesus accomplishes in our lives to putting on a new set of clothes. We find a description of the “best-dressed” and “worst-dressed” in God’s Kingdom. Discover how spiritual growth plays out in the mother of all testing grounds, where we live...