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Jan 27, 2017

Have you been wronged, hurt, or treated unfairly? Have you tried to help someone grow or understand the error of their ways only to receive hostility and a cold shoulder in return? Learn to soften and resolve even your most bitter conflicts, and discover the immense value in getting your heart free from animosity...

Jan 27, 2017

The world is divided in so many ways: politically, racially, morally… Yet Jesus came to bring reconciliation, to heal and supersede divisions, and to unite and empower us with love and hope to heal a broken world. Learn how God wants to use us now to set society on a new course defined by peace.

Jan 20, 2017

Leadership is about more than position or talent. It’s about influence; and influence requires character. There are certain traits, motivations, and practices all effective leaders share and rely on to make a lasting difference in the lives of those they lead. Join Bayless Conley and discover Godly Wisdom for Leaders.

Jan 6, 2017

At its core, Christianity is far from boring, sedate, humdrum… The Creator of the universe has chosen to demonstrate His great love for us by literally becoming human, dying, and rising again so that we might know Him. Having a relationship with God leads to a radical life of unparalleled excitement, adventure, and...