Aug 25, 2017
Discover your full acceptance and great value in God today! Bayless Conley unpacks your important role in God’s great plan in this verse-by-verse study from Ephesians, chapter 3.
Aug 18, 2017
Discover your full acceptance and great value in God today! Bayless Conley unpacks your important role in God’s great plan in this verse-by-verse study from Ephesians, chapter 3.
Aug 11, 2017
It’s good to return often to the core foundational truths of our faith: that God rescued us from sin and destruction by sending His Son to take our place; and that we are now reconnected to God, the source of life and all good things, such as honor, privilege, authority, and an indescribably spectacular future!
Aug 4, 2017
Life often gives us reasons to doubt the amazing declarations God makes about us in Scripture. God wants us to understand and always remember the resources, gifts, and blessings available to us as part of His family, despite anything that might conspire to convince us otherwise.