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Oct 27, 2017

There’s usually one root issue God wants to bring to the surface and deal with, and then everything else clears up on its own. Find out how you can narrow in on that “one thing” and run your race well to the end.

Oct 20, 2017

Join Bayless Conley as he studies the story of Ruth and uncovers five qualities that will attract the blessing of God in our lives today. Qualities that will put spiritual laws into motion and actually bring the strength of God and the blessing of God and the favor of God into our lives!

Oct 13, 2017

God wants us to show love and selflessness, to be patient (or longsuffering) and gentle, to have joy and self-control… Bayless shares how such character traits are often developed through the difficulties and opposition we face. Allow God to work through your most trying circumstances and relationships, and become a...