Oct 26, 2018
Whether you are in need of spiritual strength, emotional strength, material strength, or physical strength, God has it, and it can be laid hold of. Even if you are in the midst of a crisis and feel sorrowful or perplexed, God has strength and an answer for you!
Oct 19, 2018
Whether you are in need of spiritual strength, emotional strength, material strength, or physical strength, God has it, and it can be laid hold of. Even if you are in the midst of a crisis and feel sorrowful or perplexed, God has strength and an answer for you! Listen to part 2...
Oct 12, 2018
Did you know that in both the Old and New Testaments God specifically tells believers to test and examine ourselves? But how exactly are those tests to be conducted? What should you be looking for? Bayless Conley offers 3 crucial tests to help you gauge your spiritual growth in this foundational and uplifting message.
Oct 5, 2018
What does God want His church to look like? How about our individual lives? Bayless shares 6 attributes God wants every believer (and assembly of believers) to display, using the word C-H-U-R-C-H as an acrostic. Learn to live a vibrant life of growth, purpose, depth, impact, and meaningful connection.