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May 31, 2019

Before you were born, God gave you a destiny. And it’s not meant to be some big mystery hidden from you that you somehow can't know. In this enlightening message, Bayless Conley talks to you about your purpose, as well as patience, prayer, and perspective. Discover how you can c and do the good works that God has...

May 24, 2019

In Luke chapter 15, we find Jesus speaking about lost sheep, lost silver, and a lost son. These are actually three different parts or phases of the same parable, and all of them are very significant. Join Bayless Conley as he shares seven specific thoughts that will help you understand the main point of this parable:...

May 17, 2019

In Luke chapter 15, we find Jesus speaking about lost sheep, lost silver, and a lost son. These are actually three different parts or phases of the same parable, and all of them are very significant. Join Bayless Conley as he shares seven specific thoughts that will help you understand the main point of this parable:...

May 10, 2019

In this special Mother’s Day message, Harrison Conley shares three vital ingredients for great faith. They are all demonstrated by the mother from Matthew chapter 15, whose faith Jesus labeled as “great.” This insightful teaching will equip you to respond effectively to moments where unshakable faith is needed....

May 3, 2019

A person's highest created purpose is to know God, and God can use your prayers, your sharing, and your acts of kindness to touch someone's heart for Christ. Teaching from the parable of the barren fig tree, Bayless Conley exhorts you to be discerning about the time we're living in – a time where God's patience has...