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Jan 31, 2020

Go on a faith-building journey through the Holy Land in this inspiring 3-message series called Following in the Footsteps of Jesus with Bayless Conley.

Join Bayless as he shares God’s Word with you from different areas where Jesus walked. This study will deepen your understanding of key biblical events, and be a...

Jan 24, 2020

Progress is never easy. It comes from facing and overcoming obstacles. Progress is moving forward against resistance.

In this inspiring message, Bayless uses the Apostle Paul’s life to illustrate progress—how Paul overcame the setbacks he faced in order to pursue and fulfill God’s summons on his life.

Learn from...

Jan 17, 2020

For every one person that’s in the spotlight, there are a thousand people in the background that made what that person is doing possible. We see this in the Bible and in the world today. In this message, Bayless spotlights unsung heroes in the Bible that are woven by God into the tapestry of history and destiny....

Jan 10, 2020

Waiting is never easy… But is God ever really late? You might feel tempted (while waiting) to shift your focus to something less than God’s best for you. Peter, Jesus’ disciple, faced that very temptation more than once. The good news: There’s always grace, and God is so kind in the way He persistently brings...

Jan 3, 2020

God changes lives; in fact, nothing is higher on His agenda! Jesus changed many lives when He was here on earth, and He wants to change your life today. How? The amazing change He brings works from the inside out because of His great love (not your efforts or merits). So let the water of your old life be transformed...