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Apr 24, 2020

We live in anxious times. And if you are prone to worry, the challenges of your personal life and the world we live in make it even harder to keep your sanity. But it's God's will for you to experience His supernatural peace in every circumstance of your life, no matter how turbulent things get.

Jesus wants to give you...

Apr 17, 2020

Rejection hurts. It can leave you feeling worthless and unwanted when your ideas, input, or affections are pushed away. Unfortunately, this common human experience can’t be avoided. So how do you respond in the right way when rejection comes at you?

As simple as it sounds, the answer is turning to God. Bayless Conley...

Apr 10, 2020

Sometimes you are still smiling on the outside, while also deeply hurting on the inside. And dealing with lingering physical, emotional, or relational pain while having to keep up with life’s demands can be exhausting. In a season like that, you might wonder why God keeps you waiting, and when He will come through...

Apr 3, 2020

Every year, Christians across the globe celebrate the day Jesus died on the cross. In his Good Friday reflections, Bayless Conley explains what Christ’s sacrifice is all about, and why—as terrible as the day was—His suffering and death give us reason to rejoice.

Whether you’ve gotten lost in your faith journey...