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Nov 27, 2020

If you want to learn how faith works in your life, then you need to look to Jesus. He is both the source and the developer of your faith, bringing it to maturity.

In this message, Bayless Conley shares four basic principles of the faith-filled life. How it is first and foremost about trusting a person, Jesus Christ. How...

Nov 20, 2020

We live in a world of rapid change and uncertainty, which can leave us anxious and overwhelmed. Thankfully, Jesus is the constant in the chaos.

In fact, He’s the same today as He was when He walked on earth. He is the same one who had mercy for the guilty and peace for the troubled. The things He did then are the...

Nov 13, 2020

Just about everything you could imagine happening in a person’s life happened to King David – ups and downs, successes and failures, friendships and mortal enemies. Yet David carried out God’s plan and God called him a man after His own heart.

Join Bayless Conley for a very rewarding study of David’s life and...

Nov 6, 2020

In Luke chapter 15, we find Jesus speaking about lost sheep, lost silver, and a lost son. These are actually three different parts or phases of the same parable, and all of them are very significant.

Join Bayless Conley as he shares seven specific thoughts that will help you understand the main point of this parable:...