Apr 30, 2021
One thing is for sure: We are living in the last days.
The signs of the end that Jesus told us to watch for are not just beginning to happen . . . they have already been happening.
So, how exactly will things play out from here? What will the world (and our lives) look like leading up to and following...
Apr 23, 2021
One thing is for sure: We are living in the last days.
The signs of the end that Jesus told us to watch for are not just beginning to happen . . . they have already been happening.
So, how exactly will things play out from here? What will the world (and our lives) look like leading up to and following...
Apr 16, 2021
Moses had some incredibly interesting conversations with God after the Israelites crossed the Red Sea.
We can learn and apply Moses’ wilderness prayers in order to grow closer to God and see a real difference in our lives and relationships.
Keep first things first as you improve your communication with your Creator!
Apr 9, 2021
The good news of Jesus can’t be tamed, restrained, or contained. It’s meant to break out of your life to set people free wherever you go.
“Becoming a Fisher of Men” is a special message from Bayless given on location during a fishing excursion in the Pacific Ocean. Go along with Bayless as he shows what Jesus...
Apr 2, 2021
Sometimes you are still smiling on the outside while also deeply hurting on the inside. And dealing with lingering physical, emotional, or relational pain while having to keep up with life’s demands can be exhausting. In a season like that, you might wonder why God keeps you waiting and when He will come through...