Oct 29, 2021
God's Word tells you to pursue patience, but patience doesn’t come easily to most people.
In "Why Patience Matters," Bayless Conley looks at three areas where you can both learn and apply patience in your life... the promises of God, people, and persecution.
Whatever you are waiting for today, God wants you to...
Oct 22, 2021
The book of Hebrews describes Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith. So knowing what He said about faith is critical.
In "The Pursuit of Faith," Bayless Conley explores the three kinds of faith Jesus talked about. He shows you why faith only works through love and what it looks like to move toward great faith in...
Oct 15, 2021
God promises there are certain rewards you'll receive when you live a godly lifestyle. And the benefits you'll enjoy far outweigh the challenges that come with those choices.
In his message "The Pursuit of Godliness," Bayless Conley shows you how to pursue an inward posture of devotion to God and shares four...
Oct 8, 2021
A life of integrity comes from knowing God and seeking after Him before anything else.
Listen as Bayless Conley shares his message "What It Means to Live with Integrity"—and shows you that when you live with integrity, you in turn attract other people to God.
Find out how seeking righteousness above all else...
Oct 1, 2021
Love is one of the highest callings of the Christian life—having an impact on your marriage, family, salvation, enemies... and much more. But the Bible also says the pursuit of love is connected to the desire for spiritual gifts.
In "The Pursuit of Love," Bayless Conley explores how the desires and manifestations of...