Feb 24, 2023
God's Word teaches us that wisdom is supreme, above all things. And true wisdom comes from God, through the Holy Spirit.
In his message "How the Holy Spirit Imparts Wisdom," Pastor Bayless Conley opens the Scriptures to show you five ways the Holy Spirit works to give you, and every believer, the wisdom you need.
Feb 17, 2023
Faith is how we partake of the promises of God. It is a lifestyle we need to maintain in order to please Him. And yet so many Christians don't know some basic faith facts found in God's Word that can transform their life.
And in part three of his message series "10 Things Every Believer Should Know About Faith," Pastor...
Feb 10, 2023
Faith is foundational to the Christian walk, and yet surprisingly, many believers don't understand—or don't recall—some of the most basic aspects of faith.
And in part two of his message series "10 Things Every Believer Should Know About Faith," Pastor Bayless Conley shares two powerful facts about where faith...
Feb 3, 2023
Faith is vital to the Christian life. The Bible tells us that without faith it is not just hard to please God—it is impossible. That's why every believer needs to understand the fundamental facts of faith.
And in part one of his message series "10 Things Every Believer Should Know About Faith," Pastor Bayless Conley...