Oct 27, 2023
God’s Word teaches us that wisdom is supreme, above all things. And true wisdom comes from God, through the Holy Spirit.
In his message “How the Holy Spirit Imparts Wisdom,” Pastor Bayless Conley opens the Scriptures to show you five ways the Holy Spirit works to give you, and every believer, the wisdom...
Oct 20, 2023
Among the many things God gives you as a follower of Jesus, He entrusts you with the great responsibility of faithfully letting your light shine before people and sharing the message of reconciliation with them.
That’s the subject of the final part of Pastor Bayless’ message series “Things God Gives Us...
Oct 13, 2023
The promises of God are exceedingly great and precious, and they’ve been given to you in abundance as a follower of Jesus Christ.
In part three of his message series “Things God Gives Us in Abundance,” Pastor Bayless shows you from Scripture how God’s nature is released into your situation when you take a...
Oct 6, 2023
As a Christian, you have the beautiful, matchless, and powerful name of Jesus at your disposal at any moment—and all the authority that comes with it!
In part two of his message series “Things God Gives Us in Abundance,” Pastor Bayless reveals what can happen in and through your life when you truly lay hold of the...