Nov 24, 2023
When the apostle Paul wrote to the church in Colossae, he was deeply troubled by false teachers who were diluting and degrading the truth of the gospel. Still today, the enemy is using the very same tactic.
In this passionate teaching from Colossians 1, Pastor Harrison Conley helps you see through the devil’s lies...
Nov 17, 2023
Just as a tiny acorn holds all that’s needed to produce a mighty oak tree, so too God’s Word holds incredible power. But what’s the secret to unleashing the power that’s locked within God’s mighty Word?
In this Scripture-rich message, Pastor Bayless shares inspiring testimonies and practical guidance to help...
Nov 10, 2023
The Bible tells us that there’s a ripe harvest of souls waiting to be reaped into God’s Kingdom.
Bringing in this harvest isn’t just a job for pastors or preachers—but for YOU!
And it’s not just a calling for some time in the future—but for TODAY!
In the second of this two-part series, Pastor Bayless...
Nov 3, 2023
In John 4:35, Jesus tells us to, “…lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”
In the first of two eye-opening messages, Pastor Bayless shows from the Scriptures how Jesus isn’t just talking about future revival—but about a harvest that’s ripe and ready for reaping...